Monday, March 1, 2021

Painting a Day challenge number 8

 This is the second premier coup (means first strike) portrait of my daughter nursing her four-month old baby boy. This one is noticeably less finished than my other one-day paintings but I like how it became a sweet impression of the day

I was not happy with either of these paintings, day 7 or day 8 of my 30 day challenge because they are much more unfinished looking. Also I did not capture my daughter's likeness to my satisfaction.  I had in mind that I would "finish" them better in the studio later but in this class with Duane Keiser, the 30 day painting a day challenge and in the spirit of learning all that I can about the premier coup method of oil painting I realized that I should let these be as they are. 

A memory of a moment in time.