Our family has celebrated two new births in the past three months. Two adorable newborns to visit and snuggle has been taking up most of my attention.
My dear mother-in-law has been with us to see seven great-grandchildren enter the world to her pride and joy. Her bedside walls at the nursing home have been plastered with a wallpaper of baby photos.
This week she peacefully passed away with loved ones visiting, talking, and remembering by her bedside. Right up until the last 24 hours she was able to chuckle at a joke, crack a new one to me, and whisper her thoughts to all of us. It was a good death.
I have had her with me for seven years now, taking her to doctor appointments, shopping, the library (she was a voracious reader), and most important to her, church services. She loved our church and many people there returned the love.

As the years have passed I have sketched her many times, here are a few of our memories.