Of course, it is Florida and I should expect to meet alligators on the golf course. However in the midst of my concentration on my painting I kind of...forgot about them. I decided to leave my easel and set-up for a few minutes and walk to the other side of the property to find a bathroom. A caddy had told me I could find a facility a ways beyond a large clump of trees. He also told me to drive the golf cart and not to try to walk it. I thought to myself why not walk and stretch my legs?
As I rounded the last corner of a large group of trees, my eyes searching ahead for a bathroom type building, I nearly stepped on this big guy. I back pedaled like a cartoon character, heart pounding. These big old 'gators are so accustomed to people that this one did not seem to notice me. He never twitched or blinked. (I don't think he did). I took a few photos and then got a sketch going of his marvelous ancient hulk.