Above is a page from my filled up sketchbook. Next is an unfinished landscape from the end of my second day of painting. By this time I had acquired a few new facts about painting in oils; oils are really messy, messier than acrylics, the oil paint never seems to dry or come off your hands; and you can scrape gooey piles of oil right off your canvas if you don't like what you so carefully tried to mix in.

Minnesota is lovely and there were some bright fall colors beginning to burst out.
And last here to the left is my painting, not finished, because I couldn't work fast enough in this new medium. Ooh, tone down the colors, please.
I guess I could say this was the best workshop I have ever attended but it is also the Only workshop I have ever attended. Oils are wonderful, I want to keep my education going in this medium and perhaps I will do this again.