I spent the month of June in one of the most beautiful parts of Colorado, the Pikes Peak region.
This has been a good year for wildflowers, lots of rain and sunshine. A good flower summer in the mountains means you should expect the rain to come every afternoon, sometimes with hail and a black storm, followed by a rainbow and more bright sun until late in the day.
I found these bright purple and blue flowers growing wild in the front yard of my Mom and Dad's home high in the mountains. One month ago, my Dad died in his home while I was there and surrounded by my family. Every drawing I do these days is tinged with the sadness and thoughts I have of love and loss.
I wrote in my last posts about the difference between drawing from a photo or drawing from a live model. I realize now that my writing was much more about the death of my father than about the fading of a live flower that I was planning to paint.
Acrylic and colored pencils 14"x11" experimental, click on the image to see it larger