A few years ago I lived briefly in Waco, Texas. The winter was mild and lovely compared to Chicago.
And springtime was incredible, everything is bigger in Texas as they say, including the masses of wildflowers on hillsides, roadways, and even empty corner lots.
One Saturday morning I was looking at the local newspaper and saw an announcement about the Waco Iris Society having the annual flower show. This called for a spontaneous change of plans, I found the address and lots of dedicated iris lovers showing off their amazing blooms.
They had all the flowers displayed in vases, and there was judging with ribbons and prizes.
People are friendly in Texas (to a shy person from the north) so I told a few that I am an artist and really love to paint irises.
"Oh well, come on back in an hour or two- you all can have all you want. Because these are cut blooms for the show judges, we are going to throw them away."
So I returned, this time with every bucket, jar, and bottle I could grab. For a few days, I drew and painted all the fresh irises I could have ever dreamed of having in my studio. I now have a number of large finished paintings from those sessions.
Here is one, I ended up giving it away as a wedding gift. Acrylic on canvas, 24" by 24"