For those of you who aren't sick and tired of my posts about my visit to Paris, you must be either (a) my greatest most loyal fan, or (b) my mother-in-law, or (c) both of the above. (!)
One last thought, IF I ever get to see Paris again I will bring a better sketchbook with colored pencils, or watercolor pens. I will need thicker nicer quality paper (maybe some paint) and more time to be alone with all the places and treasures that I want to see.
These sketches that I have posted were all done in a little book that I could tuck in my bag and pull out in a hurry, and all I carried was an ordinary pen and pencil. Most of the time I used a ball point pen for the fastest draw.
I look at some of my favorite artists who also blog, (James Gurney) and their travel sketches and I am inspired to travel more and paint more. Mine look like messy hurried sketches without enough detail and observation to me now.